Monday, April 22, 2013

A week's worth of kid quotes

1)  Xander drops something and says, very appropriately, "Godda----!"  I raise my eyebrows (cringing inwardly, knowing where he gets it), and start a conversation about how that's a grown-up word, and that when he's a grown-up he can make the decision to use that word or not, but for now, he needs to use kid words.  I also added as an afterthought that Mommy and Daddy will try not to use that word anymore.
    "Yeah!" he says indignantly.  "You're teaching me to do it!"

2) Ari and Jonathan like to play fetch.  Literally, Jonathan throws a bouncy ball down the hallway, and Ari runs after it, squealing.  At one point the ball fell in the laundry pile, about to be taken to the washer.  "Where's the ball, Ari?"  Jonathan asks.
    "Peek-a-boo towel!" he replies.

3) I've been sick lately and Jonathan's been taking over the majority of the childcare duties.  The kids have been acting out a bit, we theorize partly because they're not getting as much attention from me.  To try and alleviate the issue, Jonathan took X out of school early to spend some quality time together.  They went and saw The Croods.  This was only Xander's second movie ever, so it was quite an experience.  The next day, X's teacher gushes over Jonathan, saying it was a fantastic decision to go to the movie, that Xander has been so happy all day, that at circle time he got up and told everyone about his movie experience, and that he seemed to be so much calmer and centered.  X's reaction when I asked him about it?  "Mommy, there was POPCORN!!!!!!"

4) At Subway for dinner the other night, Ari took apart his sandwich and ate all the innards.  Xander took apart his sandwich and ate only the bread.  Looking at the sad little mangled mess in front of them, and knowing how we hate waste, Xander comments helpfully, "You can put my and Ari's sandwich together, and have a whole new one!"

5) The kids got up at 6:30am yesterday, so we sent them to go play in the living room while we slept in a little longer.  A half hour later X comes running in to our bedroom, complaining that Ari's being too bossy.  We start to laugh.  The toddler who's learning to speak is being too bossy?  But lo and behold, when I go to read them a story a little later, Ari says, "No, my book!" and gives me a new one to read.  When Xander is making swish noises in Ari's direction, Ari says, "Stop it, Xander!" and waves his hands menacingly.  When I go to put shoes on Ari, he refuses to lift his feet, saying "no, dis shoe!" and presenting me with a slipper.  He was just having a bad morning, the afternoon was fine.  But wow, we gave X more credence.  Bossy, indeed!

6) Xander and I were talking about what he can be when he grows up. He can be a firefighter, an astronaut and go up in space, a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer, a veterinarian which is an animal doctor, a pilot ("On JetRed?"  "Honey, there is no JetRed, just JetBlue"), an engineer and figure out how things work like Sabba, a dancer, an actor and go up on stage all day, a rabbi...
  "No, I can't be a rabbi!  That's silly!"
 "Why can't you be a rabbi?"
 "Only girls can be rabbis!"

7) X is very much into numbers lately, and the bigger the number, the more fun it is to say.  So Jonathan got a list online of the names of all the largest numbers and their powers of 10.  He then gave him a "lesson" on it, just like X has in school.  X was fascinated by the progression of billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, all the way up to duotrigintillion (10 to the 99th power), and googol, 10 to the 100th power.  He was extremely disappointed, however, that there is no real "zillion."

8) This isn't a kid quote, but something stunning that I just have to share with you.  I was recently rewatching some favorite episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, thinking how much I still loved them.  And then I saw something scary... the date.  ST:TNG went off the air in 1994.  Next year, that will be twenty years.  How can one of my favorite shows have ENDED almost 20 YEARS AGO???  I feel really old.....


  1. I will comment in detail later but just wanted you to know that I am wearing a BIG smile and so LOVE these quotes and stories!!!!!!
    Love from a very happy Bubby!

  2. Me too! I LOVE these quotes and stories. I reacted to each one of them but I'm just too tired before my big trip tomorrow and can't reply now. Thank you bunches for recording and sharing these memorable incidents so they won't be forgotten.
