Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bringing in the New Year

We watched Mr. Peabody and Sherman, which was quite fun.

Both older boys stayed up til midnight.

Jonathan did something amazing with wires and remotes and all of a sudden we had a TV hookup to watch the ball drop.

The best part though was two kid comments:

Xander:  "So, Mom, you'll be 34 in 2015, and I'll be 7, and Ari will be 4, and Connor 2, and Daddy 45.  So everyone but me and Daddy will be multiples of two!"

Ari: "I love snuggling [with you] on the couch.  I feel like we're married!"  


  1. 1. Smart kid that Xander!
    2. And Ari very clearly reflects what you and Jonathan role model.
    <3 <3 <3

  2. I was going to make a comment, but after reading what Bubby Janet wrote, the best I can do is echo her sentiments. She said it all....

    1. 1) I can't take any credit.
      2) For the role modeling I guess I can. We try! :)

  3. Of course you can. Between you and Jonathan, there's no lack of brains there!
