Sunday, October 5, 2014

Zichrono livracha, may his memory be for a blessing

My prom date from high school, William Korthof, was killed in a motorcycle accident on Thursday.  I hadn't seen him in years, but remember him as a kind, gentle soul, passionate about saving the earth and making the world a better place.  He was a major figure in the environmentalist world, and owned his own company Sustainable Solutions.  I gave the Yizkor sermon, the sermon during the memorial service, this year at Yom Kippur, and dedicate it to his memory.


  1. I'd forgotten that William was your prom date.

  2. And even we who never knew William mourn his loss because more than ever we now need the people who are searching for SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS. Blessed be his memory.

    I did not need to be reminded how much I fear and am repelled by motorcycles.
