Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Having crazy fun... with homework

The kids' Montessori school doesn't give homework every day.  What they do give is projects.

Xander's project this month was "Halloween Heroes."  He had to pick a hero, someone who had died in the past, and answer a bunch of questions on him or her: "Tell us about their early years.  What made this person a hero?  Tell me six interesting facts about your hero."  Etc.  The kids give their oral report tomorrow, when they also dress up like their heroes for the Halloween parade at school.

Xander wanted to do his report on Abraham Lincoln.  Don't ask my why, I have no idea.  But I amused myself, I was totally in my element.  We watched a YouTube video on Abraham Lincoln.  Looked up old Abe on the online encyclopedia.  I had a ball helping Xander spell "Civil War" and explaining the concept of slavery.  I honestly enjoyed the conversation, making sure all the ideas were his own and I was only facilitating the report, not writing it.  For the first time in a long time, I felt totally confident as a parent.

The early childhood years are lovely and messy and sticky and adorable and I love my children.  But I was a philosophy major for a reason; it takes work for me to constantly play with them on their level.

But this?  The beginnings of elementary school?  Holding rational conversations, helping my son learn to research, talking about life and history and seeing him blossom into his own little person?

This is my element.

This is what I always dreamed of when I thought about having kids.

I feel like I've arrived.

(Plus, Jonathan and I made a pretty awesome stovepipe hat out of a paper plate and construction paper!)


  1. For me, it's a strange concept combining Halloween with Heroes....but it works, so why not? Michal, you are so rich in natural resources -- as a teacher, as a parent, as a student, as a friend, etc. -- that given the opportunity to exercise those talents, the benefits to all participants are stupendous!
