Friday, October 24, 2014

Not what I expected, part 2

Ari has a girlfriend.

Eliza follows Ari everywhere.  She is three, and adores our son the older man (at three and a half).

Martha, the teacher, had to separate them today because they were having too much fun together, and not doing their "jobs."

Ari was okay with this.  He kept on playing.

Eliza was not.  She said some angry words under her breath, according to Martha, which is very unusual for her as she's usually very quiet and demure.

I realized that when I was four, I was quiet and demure and had a preschool crush on the "bad boy" in class.  Chava, the older man of five, was funny, and loud, and got in trouble with his teachers all the time.

I am Eliza.


This means Ari is Chava.

Ari is the "bad boy."

I am the MOM of the bad boy.

How do these things happen?!

(And yes, logically... that preschool girl streak in me led me to marry a man who wore a leather jacket and rode an uber-fast motorcycle.  So of course our son comes by his "bad boy-ness" naturally.  But somehow I never considered what that would mean in terms of parenting!)


  1. And now you have a notion of the worries you caused your mom and her mom.
    But it's wonderful when it all works out in the end.

    Ari's gonna bring you a ton of NACHES!

    1. I have no doubt! It's just funny in the meantime...
