Saturday, October 25, 2014

The latest passion

Our eldest loves to crochet.

In school, he's allowed to do "handwork" while the teacher reads them a story after lunch.  He began crocheting, and loved it so much he asked us to get some yarn.  We did so, and he made beautiful necklaces for everyone.

He was working on this yarn when our friend William came over, and lo and behold, William had extra crochet materials that he wasn't using!  He presented it as a gift to our boy, who almost fell over in glee.

Here he is on his work mat (borrowed from the Montessori system; brothers can't cross one's mat when one is working) showing off his "Hanukkah color" necklace.  His great-grandmothers would be proud.


  1. This great'grandmother is popping her buttons, she's so proud.

    Xander's dexterity from early on amazes me, as do the products of his magic fingers.

    1. Well, I'm sure he'd love to sew those buttons right back on for you. :)
