Monday, August 26, 2013

Ari's other life at school

It's easy to know what Xander does in school every day, because he tells us about it.  Not so much with Ari; the two year-old communication isn't always the best, so we've asked his teachers to write down what he does in the day, so we can talk to him about it.  Most of the time the descriptions are rather short, but this day his teacher must have felt inspired.  I especially liked the last three.

This came in the school's weekly newsletter, and I wrote back to the teachers asking what it was from.  Ari an actor and Xander watching him from the left-hand side, and I heard nothing about it from my kids?  The answer: "This was a musical duo that [a student's mom] asked to come in as part of his birthday celebration.  Ari was chosen to go up and hold the elephant mask as part of the song/story that was being told. How cute is he??"

1 comment:

  1. Well, Ari had a very busy day! And I love the picture of him in the play and Xander watching him! That's a switcheroo!
