Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Aaaand... we're back early

Camp Newman is awesome, and amazing, and a ton of fun.

It is also very hot. And very hilly.  And very crowded.

I have learned that it is hard to be pregnant at camp, especially when fighting a cold.

So... we came home early.  I regret leaving, but I have to admit that being at home while six months pregnant with a bad head cold is infinitely preferable to being sick and pregnant in a camp cabin.

Perhaps the funniest comment on camp was when I asked Ari if he wanted to play outside with me, instead of coloring inside, which is what we had been doing.

"No," he said.  "It too hot me."

Next year, however - I won't be pregnant, hopefully won't be sick, we'll be more prepared with kid toys and snacks, and WATCH OUT CAMP, HERE WE'LL COME.

(Although I do have to say, my favorite part of camp: being with 900-odd people at Shabbat services and having Xander come up to me during the service, eyes wide, and say, "They're singing the bedtime Sh'ma!!!"  He knows that all Jews say it, but it was the first time he'd heard our "family" melody sung en masse.  It was quite special. :))