Thursday, July 11, 2013

The perils of being a rabbi's kid

Ari has been at school alone this week as Xander is at Camp Shelanu, our temple's on-site day camp.  Xander is very excited about it, and loves every minute.  At one point in the day I came out in my official rabbi capacity to chat with the counselors and kids who were all in, or congregating around, the above-ground pool.  I asked Xander and a bunch of other campers how they were doing.  Most of them said, "fine!" or "splashing!" or something of the sort.  Xander said, "Dayeinu, Mommy!"  

A counselor looked at me in confusion, and asked, "Why that song?"  Because "dayeinu" is the first word in the chorus of a song from Passover, meaning "it's enough for us."  The context is that it would have been enough had God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, but no, God did more than that, God gave us manna to eat.  It would have been enough had God given us manna, but no, God then gave us Shabbat.  It would have been enough had God given us Shabbat, but God gave us the Torah.  Etc.  

So Xander was telling me in shorthand, "It would have been enough without this, Mommy, it was a great day at camp already, but now this pool is beyond amazing!!"  

I explained this to the counselor and she looked at me like I was nuts.  

Yeah... it is pretty obscure.  Between the Judaism and the science fiction, I think I've doomed my son to never being able to get a date when he's older. 

Unless, of course, they go for the face-paint song-leader look....

1 comment:

  1. I so 'get' Xander. And love that there are times that you do too!!!!
