Monday, July 22, 2013

22 weeks

Three cheers on the royal birth!  I like how they haven't announced a name yet because they're still deciding; hopefully Jonathan and I will have that part down by the time ours is born.  If only the Loving baby could warrant a 61-gun salute from the Tower of London and a three-hour bell peal from Westminster Abbey!  He may be worth it, but I have a feeling he'll only be royalty to us. :)

Just as in London, all is well here. I may not be anywhere near delivery, but Jonathan can now feel the baby kick!  (As of last week on the 14th actually, but who's counting?).  He's definitely growing... I'm in size XL shirts now.

Front view.

Mini-beached whale is among my better looks. 


  1. You can't tell you're pregnant from the back! But you look fabulous at both these angles.

  2. And I suspect that William and Kate are limited to tradition in a way that you and Jonathan aren't regarding names.
