Sunday, April 19, 2015

Toddler at the mall

Connor was so delighted with his car, he and Bubby kept having conversations about it.

Driving at 16 months - I'll just know that I'll blink and it'll be 16 years.

Coloring at the food court.  I can't remember when I started carrying crayons in my purse...

OMG OMG OMG I love the car!  I love crayons!  I love Mommy and Bubby!  The mall is AWESOME!


  1. Connor, I can see and hear you squealing with delight as you discover the treasures of the Mall. When you drive that big car in the Mall, even Bubby is amazed, isn't she?
    And crayons and paper just fire and inspire, don't they, Southpaw? For sure the Mall was built just for folks like YOU!!! C'mon Mommy, Bubby, let's go Malling!!!
