Monday, April 20, 2015

Hogwarts sorting

When my mom was here, we watched the first Harry Potter movie with the kids.  Ari's too young for it, but Xander loved it.

I started reading him the book.  We're on page 85.  He keeps asking for more.

And in honor of the series, we "sorted" our family.

Me: Slytherin.  I like schmoozing with people, and politics, and I'm ambitious.  (But no, I'm not turning evil anytime soon!)

Jonathan: Hufflepuff.  He's loyal as the day is long, and loves his family to the end of the earth.

Xander: Ravenclaw.  He has a sense of curiosity and always wants to learn.

Ari: Gryffindor.  The boy has no fear, he'll try anything and stand up to anyone.  Bravery and recklessness are a fine line.

Connor: Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, the jury's still out.  He's very smart and is a problem-solver, but he's also a major cuddler.

We're a magical family, what can I say? :)


  1. It was only a matter of time. And now it's off and running. Ravensclaw Xander will become as ardent, as fervent a Harry Potter fan as his mother, the Slytherin. You all fit well into the Houses assigned to you. But I take exception to the final evaluation of Ari... Because Ari has no fear and will stand up to anyone, I say that as a Gryffinder, there's a fine line between Bravery and RECKLESSNESS. As for Connor, he'll just have to settle for.being a Huffle-Claw until he proves himself!!!!! A magical family indeed!

    1. Great point, I've changed the entry for Ari. And LOL at Huffle-claw... that's awesome.

  2. Did you use your sorting hat? I think you should! Act out the whole're good at doing voices! What fun that would be. xoxoxox

    1. oh what a smart idea!! i'll do that for sure.
