Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Xander's words of wisdom

On conflict resolution:
After watching a part of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace:  "R2D2 shouldn't use electricity to be mean to people!  He needs to use his words."

On routine and ritual:
"Mommy, I don't want to poop here [at someone else's house.] The horsie potty [at our house] will miss me!"

On weather in different parts of the country:
Asking him to put on closed-toed shoes because it was raining: "It can't be raining!  There's no thunder and lightning!"

On rules and exceptions:
When Simcha meowed near the door: "Okay Simcha, it's very dark out there, so I'll let you out just this once!"

On moving:
"I like this house better.  Our yellow house had stairs, but this one has more room to run around. And a better backyard to play in."

On compassion and TV ratings:
Watching a cartoon where someone got hit on the head: "I'll hold your hand so you won't be scared.  That was a violence!"


  1. Four years old! I am impressed the way Xander processes and puts into practice what he learns, accepts, and gleans. And, Michal, I love your sketch of the prevailing situation that elicits these comments from him. I'm so happy to know Xander likes his new house --the change was difficult for him. GO XANDER!!!!

  2. These are precious and insightful and sensitive! I'm assuming the last comment was made to Ari? I am constantly amazing by our Xanderbutterfly!

  3. Actually, that last comment was made to ME!
