Tuesday, February 10, 2015


We're working with a real estate agent to decide on renting or buying.

We picked our top choice and second-choice school for Xander.  (The other boys will be at the temple preschool).  Now to find houses within those districts.

I just signed the contract with the movers.

Everyone knows we're going.

It's really happening!

These next four months are going to be a whirlwind, aren't they?


  1. Your meticulous and practical preparations for all facets of this move are impressive.
    There are bound to be some surprises, but I am now assured that you will be ready and able to handle every contingency. Yes, these four months will pass swiftly, and you will be sorely missed when you leave. Forward to a new life in a new place!

  2. It just occurred to me that if you started out today with the boys happily dragging their carry-on bags behind them, you could arrive in Coral Springs, Florida by June 1st.

    1. Oh your poor feetsies! I guess you'd better fly......
