Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Really good update

Jonathan's feeling much better after suffering from a 24-hour flu bug, and Ari got the all-clear from the dentist after today's X-rays. He does have hairline fractures of the palate, but there are no cracks in the adult tooth in the gum and no sign of infection. So all we do now is wait for it to heal. Hooray! It could have been so much worse.


  1. Yay!!! That's so good to hear!! How are Mama & Baby Connor doing? (Incidentally, I may have missed it, but have you posted his birth announcement to the Cinci Homebirth group?)

    1. We're doing great! I finally got my energy back today and cleared off the dining room table, woohoo. And huh, no I didn't - feel free to post on my behalf!
