Friday, November 21, 2014

These milestones are never mentioned in the parenting books!

There is a whole world of children growing up and having experiences away from us that is foreign to me.  Xander is our first, so of course, it starts with him.  Two examples:

1) Me: "Honey, what are you up to?"
    Him:  "Oh, nothing you need to worry about."

    Me:  "Honey, how was your day?"
    Him:  "I don't want to talk about it."

He's SIX.

2) Xander, singing to himself and Ari in the car to the tune of ABC's.  Jonathan and I realize we've never heard this song before, so ask him to repeat it.  We're stunned when we process the words.

"A B C D E F G,
Gummy bears are chasing me.
One is red and one is blue
One is hanging on my shoe.
Now I'm running for my life
'Cause the red one has a knife."

Apparently he learned it at school, and it's his new favorite song.

It reminded me of the movie Parenthood with Steve Martin, where they listened to the song "Diarrhea" over and over again in the car.  Why?  Because the kids learned it at school from their friends.

We have reached the age of peers.

Mind. BLOWN.