Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday "at home day"

Religious school starts on September 7th, and we're making the most of our last free Sundays.  Today we were invited to a play date but Xander really didn't want to go, he wanted to stay at home since we went out yesterday.  So Connor and I stayed with him, and Jonathan accompanied Ari to the friend's house.

I put on my classical music Pandora station for the day, and Xander and I:

- built LEGO
- made a smoothie
- folded and put away laundry
- cleared the table
- did art (coloring and paper airplanes) on said table
- played soccer outside with Robin
- played 2 games of checkers.  I won the first, he won the second.  (Any advice on how to train a good loser, by the way?  All suggestions appreciated.  The win 1/lose 1 was very strategic on my part).
- drank hot chocolate with marshmallows
- went bug catching.  Catch and release with a praying mantis. :)

Tomorrow he starts first grade.  I think he's more ready than I am.


  1. He not only looks more grown up.....he is growing up. What a wonderful day together.
    I miss you all.

  2. Jean Moskowitz is visiting me! And she has marvelous advice about how to deal with sore losers.... Here"s Jean:

    When I play cards with my grandchildren we kind of make a verbWe kind of have an agreement about contract: "Are you going to cry if you lose?" And, I also say that if you cry then I won't play. I have stopped a game because of sore losing, only to start again at a different time. Then we start all over: Are you going to cry if you lose? Actually, I say that I won't cry either.

    We have found that this works for us and now, it has become a joke: "Are you going to cry if you lose? Ha ha ha.

    1. Oooh, I like this! I'll adopt it. And Savta, I know I owe you an email... I just need to sit and write it, I'm sorry.
