Saturday, June 7, 2014

Snakes, birds, and the boys who love them

I love talking with my sons.  Just chatting, about nothing.  It gives me such insight into their personalities.

Last week Xander and I were talking about dreams, and he told me that he remembered one of his from the night before.  He and four friends were on a big ship, and there were four steering wheels, operated by three of his friends and Ari.  They asked him if he wanted to be a lookout, and he said yes.  He saw a BIG snake, a sea snake who could breathe underwater, and he shouted "Snake! Snake!" The snake poked its head onto the ship to say hello, and.... then Xander woke up.

Ari at breakfast opened the door to let Osher in, and was shocked by what he saw outside.  "Mommy, Daddy, bird!!  Osher play with bird!"  And yes, apparently Osher had brought us a small present right outside the door.  Ari was upset and followed Osher straight to his food bowl, kneeling down to give him a strict talking to in a very serious tone of voice.  I thought  he was mad because Osher had killed a living creature.  But no... he came up to me after Osher went into the other room, exasperated, and said, "Mommy, you talk Osher!  He not clean bird outside!"  He thought Osher should go on time out since he had made a mess and wasn't cleaning up after himself. :)

And Connor?  He obviously doesn't talk yet, but he IS babbling up a storm, which is fun to hear.  He's also pulling himself up and falling a lot.  But he is one determined child, and just keeps on going.

It's amazing to watch them grow.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you all so much. Please give hugs from Bubby all around!!!!!
